Northgate Arena Pool Kayaking Sessions
As you may be aware kayak sessions are recommencing on Monday nights at Northgate Arena, albeit in a limited way to begin with. Please note that these sessions are run by Brio Leisure, not Deva Canoe Club. The club provides free coaching. Policies and prices are set by Brio.
At present there are no Tuesday sessions as there were pre-Covid, though these may restart in the future.
Notes For New Members
Monday sessions run from 8.00-9.00 p.m. after swimming finishes. All equipment is provided (kayaks and paddles) you are not allowed to bring in your own boat or paddle. All you need to bring is swim wear, a t-shirt or rash vest and towel. The sessions are held in the main pool and to get onto the water without delay we ask those attending to meet changed and ready on the poolside for 7.45.
To All Members
There is now a limit on attendance, the maximum allowed is 18. The sessions are not exclusively for Deva members and are open to the general public. I am told you can book online through the Brio web site and you do not need to have Brio membership to do so. You can also pay at the desk on the night, but if there are 18 people already booked in you will be refused entry.
Due to coach availability Deva CC can only provide limited coaching for the next two weeks.
Deva members can access a discount on the price of entry with a signed form, existing discount card holders can use them, but new discount cards will not be available for next week.
Deva CC holds the view that the cost of pool sessions for one hour is high (compared for example to swimming sessions). We are aware that the pricing policy will restrict access to those of limited finances and may deter people who just want a try-it-out session. We will continue to lobby Brio for lower prices or at least for limited future price rises. As stated before policies and prices are set by Brio, not Deva CC.
Sunday Sessions at the Riverside
Finally a reminder that Thursday evening paddles from the Riverside have now finished until they resume next spring. Our Sunday meetings are fortnightly starting this Sunday (10th Oct) at 1.00 p.m.