Newsletter February 18, 2023

We Are Champions!

In recognition of Deva Canoe Club’s environmental policy, we have been awarded Champion Club status by British Canoeing. We support the national Clear Access Clear Waters campaign, and during the coming season, we will organise river clean events.

In addition, we will continue to lobby Welsh Water to improve the water quality of the River Dee by reducing the volume and frequency of sewage discharges from combined outflows.

There are other opportunities for us to help with, such as supporting British Canoeing days to clear invasive species such as Pennywort from local waterways.

We will also seek support from local politicians and other river users.

If you have not already done so, you may wish to download the app ‘Safer Seas and Rivers Service’ which provides information and alerts for sewage discharges. This service is provided by Surfers Against Sewage.

In addition, we will investigate ways in which we can improve access to the Dee and other waterways. Please support your club policy, there will be lots of opportunities for club members to volunteer to improve our paddling environment and help justify our designation as a Champion Club.

We will be having an official launch at the club to celebrate this award, the arrangements are still to be finalised.

Pennywort Clearance on the R. Weaver

Pennywort is an invasive plant that spreads very rapidly and can choke waterways making the difficult to navigate and reducing native plants and animals. There is an opportunity to help clearing the R. Weaver in Winsford on Saturday 25th Feb. To volunteer please follow this link.

Club Meetings and Trips

Our regular club meetings continue fortnightly on Sundays, however there is a rowing event on March 12th and the Riverside Centre is not available. As a substitute we have requested access at the usual time on Sunday March 19th, reverting again to our normal pattern a week later on March 26th. Please add March 19th to your calendar in place of March 12th.

Club approved trips are being planned and will be announced to members via email. Ideas and plans for trips are very welcome. If you have a trip you would like to lead or would like to suggest, then have a word with our safety officer, Ray McCann, or put it in an email to him using the club email address.
Peer group paddles, for which the club has no responsibility, can be posted on the Deva Kayakers Facebook page.

Get Well Soon!

As you may be aware, our club treasurer, Simon has recently undergone surgery and will not be paddling for a while. We all wish him a speedy recovery.
In the meantime, Keith Brocklehurst has taken on the role of temporary treasurer. This is in addition to his secretarial duties. Many thanks, Keith for this additional commitment.

We also send our best wishes to Rosie Diver who is also not able to paddle at present. I’m sure both Rosie and Simon will be desperate to get back to normal as soon as they are able to.

Staying safe on and off the water

It is important to keep our club policies up to date, and I am very grateful to every committee member for the work they do.

In particular Judith Lathaen and David Riley have reviewed and put in place our safeguarding and welfare policies and have recently developed user friendly versions regarding reporting and whistleblowing. These are displayed in the Deva bay at the club and will be put on the club web site.

Ray McCann has reviewed our club policy on coaching, safety and trips.

We are very fortunate to have a dedicated team of people willing to take on duties and put in the time to ensure the club is run effectively for the benefit of its members.